m. 3 Jun 1822
Birth |
Bef. 1802 |
Death |
4 Jun 1822 |
San Diego, Alta California |
Burial |
4 Jun 1822 |
San Diego Presidio, Alta California |
Marriage |
3 Jun 1822 [1, 2] |
San Diego Presidio, Alta California [1, 2] |
Father |
Mother |
Birth |
18 Apr 1822 |
Alta California |
Christening |
19 Apr 1822 |
San Diego Presidio, Alta California |
Death |
Burial |
Spouse |
INDIO, Jose Miguel | F5584 |
Marriage |
23 Jul 1838 |
Mission San Gabriel, Alta California |
Sources |
- [S012] Early California Population Project, Alta Cal Msn Bk #00_1772-1855 _Marr, (huntington.org), 3 Jun 1822, http://missions.huntington.org/MarriageData.aspx?ID=7669.
San Diego Presidio - En el quartel de los soldados de Mazatlan
#1424) 3 Jun 1822- JUAN BASQUEZ, soldado de la compania de Mazatlan,
con MARIA RITA CANEDO, Msn. S.G. Bap. #4194, habian tenido de su ayuntamiento un nino. Oliva
Oliva notes that the couple "In the quarter of Mazatlan's soldiers and bedridden with a serious illness from which he died the following day I married Juan Basquez ... with Maria Rita Cañedo who had had a child from their town hall and had mutually given word of marriage In such critical circumstances attending to the good of the conscience and comfort of the patient, honor of the woman and legitimacy of the offspring and given the consent of the parents of the woman for being younger; the license of the Xefe referred Soldier and examined witnesses to come to the knowledge that there was effectively between them no impediment to marriage I married them ... "---- AMR 3/2006
*More info on web site
- [S025] San Diego Mission de Alcala or Presidio Church, Alta Cal Msn Bk #12_1776-1880_Sn Dgo_Marr, (Thomas Workman Temple III).
#1424) En 3 de Junio de 1822. En el quartel de los Soldados de Mazatlan, y postrado en cama con gravissima enfermedad de la que murio al sigte. dia case
JUAN BASQUEZ, soldado de la Compa. de Mazatlan,
con MARIA RITA CANEDO, quienes havian tenido en su ajuntamiento un nino, y se tenian mutuamte. dado palabra de casarse.
En tan criticas circunstancias, atendiendo al bien de la Consciencia, y consuelo del enfermo, honor de la muger, y legitimacion de la prole, y dado el consentimto. de los Padres de la muger, por ser de menor edad, la licencia del Xeje del referido soldado,
y examinados testigos para venir en concocimto. de que no havia efectivamte. entre ellos impedimto. alguno para el Matrimonio los Case, segun el
Orden de N.S.M. la Yglesia, y fueron testigos Ygnacio Ruiz casado con Benedita Valencia, soldado de cuera del Presidio de San Diego, y Mariano Arce, soldado tambn. de cuera del
mismo Presidio y paraque conste lo firme. Fr. Vicente Pascual Oliva (r)