genealogy of the Schwald-Bergh and Buck-Verdugo families
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NAVARRO CARRILLO, Jose Vicente Clemente

NAVARRO CARRILLO, Jose Vicente Clemente

Male 1834 -

Personal Information    |    Sources    |    Event Map    |    All    |    PDF

  • Name NAVARRO CARRILLO, Jose Vicente Clemente 
    Birth 22 Nov 1834  Los Angeles, Alta California Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Christening 23 Nov 1834  Plaza Church, Los Angeles, Alta California Find all individuals with events at this location  [1, 2
    Gender Male 
    Census 1836  Los Angeles, Alta California Find all individuals with events at this location  [3
    w/mother, half-brothers, widowed mat. grandmother, aunts & uncle 
    Census 1844  Los Angeles, Alta California Find all individuals with events at this location  [4
    w/mother & half-siblings 
    Person ID I23359  1. Schwald - WA-NY-OR-TX
    Last Modified 24 Feb 2017 

    Father CARRILLO, Joaquin,   b. Bef. 1795, San Jose del Cabo, Baja California, Mexico Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Mother ROCHIN NAVARRO, Maria Concepcion,   b. Dec 1810, Los Angeles, Alta California Find all individuals with events at this locationd. Abt. 17 Jun 1881, Los Angeles County, California Find all individuals with events at this location (Age ~ 70 years) 
    Family ID F7476  Group Sheet  |  Family Chart

    Family WILLIAMS, Maria Merced de los Dolores,   b. Abt. Jul 1839, Los Angeles, Alta California Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Marriage 22 Jun 1864  Mission San Salvador Jurupa, San Bernardino, San Bernardino, California Find all individuals with events at this location  [5
    Family ID F7658  Group Sheet  |  Family Chart
    Last Modified 23 Feb 2017 

  • Event Map
    Link to Google MapsBirth - 22 Nov 1834 - Los Angeles, Alta California Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsChristening - 23 Nov 1834 - Plaza Church, Los Angeles, Alta California Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsCensus - w/mother, half-brothers, widowed mat. grandmother, aunts & uncle - 1836 - Los Angeles, Alta California Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsCensus - w/mother & half-siblings - 1844 - Los Angeles, Alta California Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsMarriage - 22 Jun 1864 - Mission San Salvador Jurupa, San Bernardino, San Bernardino, California Link to Google Earth
     = Link to Google Earth 
    Pin Legend  : Address       : Location       : City/Town       : County/Shire       : State/Province       : Country       : Not Set

  • Sources 
    1. [S010] Early California Population Project, Alta Cal Msn Bk #00_1770-1855_Bap, (, 23 Nov 1834,
      L.A. Plaza Church
      #470) 23 Nov 1834- JOSE VICENTE CLEMENTE CARRILLO, 1 d., Birth Date: aier, Legitimacy: n [hijo naturale], de padre Joaquin Carrillo, Origin: San Diego, y de madre Maria Concepcion Navarro, Origin: este Pueblo [los Angeles]. Bachelot.
      Padrinos: Maria Antonia Dominguez y Vicente Moraga.
      *More info on web site

    2. [S252] Nuestra Senora Reina de Los Angeles Church, Alta Cal Msn Bk #43_1831-1865_LA Pl Ch_Conf, (Thomas Workman Temple III), 2 Mar 1843.
      CONFIRMATION - L.A. Plaza Church
      #3034) [2 Mar 1843]- JOSE CLEMENTE CARRILLO, of Joaquin y Concepcion Navarro;
      same pad. [Jose A. Carrillo]

    3. [S209] Historical Society of Southern California, CENSUS 1836 - Alta California LA , (University of California Press), 1836, pages 674-675 (111-112); [11-12/66].
      Ma. del Carmen Navarro - 75 - Angeles - _ - Sinaloa - V
      Jose Teodoro Navarro - 35 - Angeles - Vaquero - Angeles - S
      Ma. Navarro - 32 - Angeles - _ - Angeles - S
      Dolores Navarro - 30 - Angeles - _ - Angeles - S
      --- NEXT PAGE ---
      Ma. Concepcn. Navarra - 26 - Angeles - _ - Angeles - Soltera
      Jinio Navarra - 6 - Angeles - _ - Angeles
      Juan Je. Reyes Navarra - 4 - Angeles - _ - Angeles
      Je. Lugdo. Clemte. Navarra - 1 - Angeles - _ - Angeles

    4. [S210] Marie E. Northrop - Historical Society of Southern California, CENSUS 1844 - Alta California LA, (University of California Press), 1844, pages 369-370 (Arch. Ref. 739-740); [11-12/59].
      1844 PADRON (Census) - Ciudad de Los Angeles y su Jurisdiccion
      Concepcion Navarro - 33 - Angeles - _ - Angeles - Soltera
      Ignacio Navarro - 12 - Angeles - Sirbiente - Angeles - Soltero
      --- NEXT PAGE ---
      Juan Nabarro - 10 - Angeles - _ - Angeles
      Ma. Nabarro - 8 - Angeles - _ - Angeles
      Leonor Nabarro - 6 - Angeles - _ - Angeles

    5. [S061] Parish San Salvador de Jurupa, Alta Cal Msn Bk #30_1852-1893_Sn S d J_Marr, (Thomas Workman Temple III), 22 Jun 1864.
      #) Jun 22 [1864]- previos los devidos informes, habiendoles dispensado de dos proclamas, me entere del mutuo consentimto., y uni en Matrimo. a Dn. JOSE CARRILLO, solto. h. de Dn. Joaquin Carrillo y de Concepcion Navarro,
      con Dna. MERCED WILLIAMS, viuda de Juan Rains e hija legitima de D. Julian Williams y de Dna. Maria de Jesus Lugo de Williams;
      Jose dela Luz Valdez y Jose de Gracia Ruiz, wits. Pedro Verdaguer, Pbro.