genealogy of the Schwald-Bergh and Buck-Verdugo families
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TAPIA AVILA, Candelaria

TAPIA AVILA, Candelaria

Female 1840 -

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  • Name TAPIA AVILA, Candelaria 
      - Candelaria AVILA; Bap. record (T.W. Temple)
      - Candelaria TAPIA; Marr. Record
    Birth Abt. 18 Mar 1840  Alta California Find all individuals with events at this location 
    • CORRECT BIRTH MOTHER: Candelaria Tapia's marriage record lists her as a hija natural (born out of wedlock) to Antonia Tapia.
      - Antonia Tapia, daughter of Jose Antonio Tapia and Maria Ana Verdugo, is the MOST LIKELY candidate to be the mother.
    Christening 18 Mar 1840  Plaza Church, Los Angeles, Alta California Find all individuals with events at this location  [1, 2
      UNSUBSTANTIATED but MOST LIKELY this is the correct baptism record for Candelaria Tapia.
      - Her marriage record lists her as a hija natural of Antonia Tapia.
      - Baptism record does not list parents, but her baptism date aligns with her age listed in the 1844 Census record where she is living with the Tapia family.
      - Baptism record lists legitimacy as es (espurio): illegitimate children of parents who could not marry, where one or both parents were currently married to someone else.
      -- Antonia Tapia was single at this time, so the father must have been married to someone else.
      - Baptism record lists one of the padrinos as Tomasa Tapia, who is Antonia Tapia's Aunt.
    Gender Female 
    Census 1844  Los Angeles, Alta California Find all individuals with events at this location  [3
    With mother, living in widowed maternal grandfather's household 
    Census 8 Jun 1860  Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California Find all individuals with events at this location 
    husband absent, w/daughter, living w/single mother & half-siblings 
    Person ID I18068  1. Schwald - WA-NY-OR-TX
    Last Modified 18 Mar 2016 

    Father AVILA, Enrique,   b. Abt. 1818, Los Angeles, Alta California Find all individuals with events at this locationd. Abt. 12 Nov 1876, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California Find all individuals with events at this location (Age ~ 58 years) 
    Mother TAPIA, Maria "Antonia" Sabina,   b. 30 Dec 1821, Los Angeles, Alta California Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Family ID F5845  Group Sheet  |  Family Chart

    Family ALVARADO, Miguel de los Santos,   b. Abt. Jul 1828, Los Angeles, Alta California Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Marriage 20 May 1855  Mission San Salvador Jurupa, San Bernardino, San Bernardino, California Find all individuals with events at this location  [4, 5
     1. ALVARADO, Maria Ruperta "Isabel",   b. Abt. Sep 1858, California Find all individuals with events at this location
     2. ALVARADO, Emilio Sebastian,   b. Abt. 1861, California Find all individuals with events at this location
     3. ALVARADO, Juan,   b. 8 Dec 1863, California Find all individuals with events at this location
    Family ID F5846  Group Sheet  |  Family Chart
    Last Modified 18 Mar 2016 

  • Event Map
    Link to Google MapsBirth - Abt. 18 Mar 1840 - Alta California Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsChristening - 18 Mar 1840 - Plaza Church, Los Angeles, Alta California Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsCensus - With mother, living in widowed maternal grandfather's household - 1844 - Los Angeles, Alta California Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsMarriage - 20 May 1855 - Mission San Salvador Jurupa, San Bernardino, San Bernardino, California Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsCensus - husband absent, w/daughter, living w/single mother & half-siblings - 8 Jun 1860 - Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California Link to Google Earth
     = Link to Google Earth 
    Pin Legend  : Address       : Location       : City/Town       : County/Shire       : State/Province       : Country       : Not Set

  • Sources 
    1. [S010] Early California Population Project, Alta Cal Msn Bk #00_1770-1855_Bap, (,
      L.A. Plaza Church
      #984) 18 Mar 1840- CANDELARIA [UNSTATED], parvula, Legitimacy: es (espuria*), de padre and madre no conocidos. Notes: Padre states that he baptized ego "solemnemente...en articulus de mortis". Padrinos: Tomasa Tapia y Jose Gabriel Ybarra. Eztenaga
      *espurio/a: illegitimate children of parents who could not marry, where one or both parents were currently married to someone else.

    2. [S018] Nuestra Senora Reina de Los Angeles Church, Alta Cal Msn Bk #05_1826-1848_LA Pl Ch_Bap, (Thomas Workman Temple III).
      #984) Mar 18 [1840]- CANDELARIA AVILA (+ Miguel Alvarado), h.n. of Henrique y Maria Antonia Tapia,
      with Gabriel Ybarra y Tomasa Tapia as pads. E.

    3. [S210] Marie E. Northrop - Historical Society of Southern California, CENSUS 1844 - Alta California LA, (University of California Press), 1844, page 364 (6/59).
      Jose Antonio Tapia - 46 - Angeles - *N* - Angeles - V
      Ma. Anta. Tapia - 19 - Angeles - _ - Angeles - S
      Franco. Tapia - 17 - Angeles - L - Angeles - S
      Ma. Jesus Tapia - 15 - Angeles - _ - Angeles - S
      Pilar Tapia - 12 - Angeles - _ - Angeles - S
      Jose Anto. Tapia - 10 - Angeles - _ - Angeles
      Mariano Tapia - 8 - Angeles - _ - Angeles
      Jabier Tapia - 6 - Angeles - _ - Angeles
      Candelaria Tapia - 5 - Angeles - _ - Angeles
      Ramona Tapia - 1 - Angeles - _ - Angeles
      Agustin Tapia - 22 - Angeles - *N* - Angeles - C
      Ma. Jesus Barelas - 30 - Angeles - _ - Angeles - C

      *N . Vago o de Ningunia Profesion

    4. [S061] Parish San Salvador de Jurupa, Alta Cal Msn Bk #30_1852-1893_Sn S d J_Marr, (Thomas Workman Temple III).
      #) May 20 (1855)- MIGUEL ALVARADO, solto. h.l. de Miguel Alvarado y de Isabel Avila,
      con CANDELARIA TAPIA, h.n. de Antonia Tapia;
      Maria Avila y Antonio Tapia, wits. Amable

    5. [S169] CENSUS 1860 - U.S. Federal, (, 8 Jun 1860, page 16 (308); (16/158).
      1860 CENSUS - Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California
      FAMILY #141
      9: Antonia Tapia - 36 - f - _ - 400/50 - California
      10: Candelaria Tapia - 19 - f - _ - _ - California
      11: Ramona Tapia - 16 - f - _ - _ - California
      12: Jose Tapia - 14 - m - _ - _ - California
      13: Ramon Tapia - 11 - m - _ - _ - California
      14: Jesus Tapia - 8 - m - _ - _ - California
      15: Isabel Alvarado - 1 - f - _ - _ - California